I'd use a bigger softer brush for blending

I did a quick paint over. Hopefully you don't mind. Just like @ragecandy said, use a big soft brush. I wouldn't recommend using a custom texture brush right now. The face was a good start as far as blending go's but you need to do that everywhere else. I assumed you used reference for the pose which came out pretty good. The clothes can use a bit of work. Just keep using reference. Don't focus on the time it takes. Just keep on painting an learning for now. Keep up the good work.
Also here's a tutorial on blending

@malcom thank you very much for your detailed explanation and taking the time to provide it :smiley: Did you use the lasso tool for the lifted arm? I'm very bad at that technique, I can never make the selection as I want it to be :frowning:
So here is what I managed to do ... I'm still postponing working on the boots so they're a bit of an eyesore right now :confused:

Not a bad start. Definitely an improvement over the other :grinning: I actually used a soft brush for the entire thing I believe. For hard edges you can just make the brush smaller. You can do the same if the lasso tool isn't good for you. I recommend practicing using the lasso tool because it can speed things up in my opinion but its up to you. Its not needed though.
For this new version I think you should work on the values. The contrast of things are to close to eachother. Heres another PO to help

I didn't work on every area. Just the arm that's raised up and a little bit of the face. Here some ref similar to what you have so you can visually see what I used and how I applied it.