Looking good, sometimes its really all about discovering the way things look on the body when drawing them, finding fun curves and line combos that look badass, emphasizing some 3D with contour lines or shading what you see - no descriptive anatomy necessary
Learning all that 3D form business is way more useful imo, not that anatomy aint nice or important as well
Term 1 - Week 6 - Perspective 1 Assignment 3
A bit behind on week 6 due to a business trip, but finished the 1p perspective room assignment. Wasn't really sure what to do with the values so plopped in 3 different ones where I thought it made sense. Was a fun assignment, and could probably do more with it but it feels like I have to move on.
8 days later
Term 1 - Week 8 - Perspective 1 Assignment 4
This was mainly done with the line tool in CSP, and a two point perspective grid. As it was done without reference I got kinda stuck on the back-left buildings. Didn't know what to add too them. A mood board/references would've helped a lot here, clearly I don't look at office buildings enough.
Term 1 - Week 8 - Environment Studies
Tried a different approach on these 3 studies, being less concerned with line accuracy and more focused on finding the point of interest in the piece. I find that outdoor pieces with a lot of organic things are way more difficult. I also tried to zoom less, drawing all over the piece rather than focusing on one area at the time.