Dang, I'm impressed by the sheer number of gesture drawings here! You're really grinding those things out.

Hey thanks! I'm trying to teach myself that they're not supposed to be very precious, and hopefully in the process get more loose and well, gestural with them.

Term 1 - Week 5 - Nude Figure Drawing Assigment 4

Mannequins done with reference on the side rather than drawing ontop of them. Overall they're OK I think. The pose is there but some of the underlying structures have issues. Mainly the oval for the rib-cage is way to short and the neck is too long.

Term 1 - Week 5 Lineart Study

Term 1 - Week 5 Character Study

Really fine work mate

Term 1 - Week 6

Starting to get not-so-frustrated at the gestures now. But my lack of anatomy knowledge is starting to show, especially in the longer 5m studies where I run out of things to add it feels like sometime. Not because there's nothing too add, I just don't know what.

Looking good, sometimes its really all about discovering the way things look on the body when drawing them, finding fun curves and line combos that look badass, emphasizing some 3D with contour lines or shading what you see - no descriptive anatomy necessary

Learning all that 3D form business is way more useful imo, not that anatomy aint nice or important as well
