Hello, im daniel and i just started term 1 of the artschool program, started with the visual comunication part and now im on half way trough the figure drawing 1. Not much into gesture drawing yet, hope to get better soon

First the skellys with cilenders.

Some from imagination. got some more but i got to scan them from my sketchbook and im to lazy atm xD

and my lovely 30 secs gesture, some of them look like moist fried potatos.

looking forward for your feedback :smiley:

Hi Daniel!
Welcome on the forums!
As far as I can tell, your exercises are pretty good! The only thing I can critique are some of your 30sec gestures:
Within 30secs try not to copy the outlines of the figure, instead focus on how the pose โ€žfeelsโ€œ and try to portray that with as few lines as possible!
Maybe this video might help you understand what I mean:

Keep up the good, work!
Mau :smile:

understood, ill get the pose and motion in the fastest ones, and leave the meaty stuff for the longer drawings.

just finished with the proportion.

Great work Daniel i love the women knees they look like a smiley :smiley:
Love your work keep going!

didnt notice the smiley till you mentioned it xD
tnx a lot :smiley: