Hi there~ I'm Sushi, and I'm new here^^
I'm a freelance illustrator from France. I will post my finished artwork here and am happy to receive feedback from the community here!
Your comment and feedback would be very appreciated since I actually am still a small artist.
Thank you in advance^o^/

I really love designing characters, so here are some of my original characters.

All my characters have a story, and I also write a webnovel for 2 characters from above^^. I will be uploading my finished art here in the future, hihi:)

If you don't mind and want to look at my other artworks, you can help me to grow by following my Twitter: @/sushirollw and my Instagram: Sushirollw

Just let me know if you follow so I can follow you back and support each other^3^/
I'm so excited to meet new friends here!!!!

That's some lovely rendering! I like the way you do the fabrics and hair, looks pretty nice! I would suggest trying with more defined/complex light setups, that would make your pieces look really nice and three dimensional! If you dont know how, or where to start, Marc Brunet himself has an awesome video for that :wink: (this one)
Welcome and good luck on your art journey!

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