Hey everyone! It’s my first experience with digital art in general. I love oil painting as a hobby, but since I have no background studies in art, I decided to start ArtSchool course to get some foundations and guidance to progress. Just completed the first 3 assignments in term 1 (photoshop for digital production). I’ll keep posting my journey.

Hello. Just completed the first video about photoshop in term 1. This is the last assignment. I had fun doing those. Got a lot of work with the apples, I think I made too many layers comparing to Marcus’ example, but I liked the final result. Now, I’m really excited to start the Nude Figure Drawing chapter.

Hi! I've been working on nude figure drawing this past week. Started with lines of action and cilinders directly on photo references. Then I tried to draw skeletons with cilinders as limbs from observation of other photos. Finally, I got to male-female proportions and that's my first attempt. I'm loving this course, I'm learning a lot of tips and strategies to improve drawing in general.

Welcome! You are doing great keep it up! These cylinders are looking good. I had a hard time finding how big the ellipse would be on them myself. I use an old coke can and adjust it to match the limbs angle and that helped me a lot in determining the ellipse size! Nice work!