Hey there! My wife Sarah went through med school and has been doctoring for a few years now, it gets a lot worse before it gets better just stick to it and get used to a love of coffee.

As far as your image goes, what is it about the whale that is bothering you? I am rather fond of the way that it is looking. You might want to apply a bit of atmospheric effect to it in order to show it being further back, or perhaps take down the brights a tiny bit on the fin if you like. But again I think its kinda nice as is, gives it a bit of a magical feel. If you are going for raw realism there are other things that you can do, just shout if that's the case.

I do however see an issue with your choice of boat images, the perspective angle on the boat you chose is wrong for where it is in the picture and everything else, the camera angle is a bit too high so it causes the mind some issues with where the other objects in the scene are. I would recommend finding another boat with a lower angle, something seen from a dock at about the same angle as the dock image you used.

You could also use the warp tool to change the perspective of the boat, but it will be a good bit more work than a new one, and I know you don't have all the time in the world with med school.

Welcome, and I hope that my ideas helped.

I concur! The sizing of some of your additions, like the boat, the whale, etc, according to your fixed perspective of the dock, has one's eye a bit confused on the sizing of everything. Is it a toy boat with how small it is, or is it so far away? But the whale emerges before the boat, so is the whale small as it is closer to the viewer?
Take some time to watch the Perspective lessons in this term's packet, that should help you with what we're suggesting as changes.
You are good to keep it how it is, though! A finished drawing is allowed to be unchanged even after heeding advice. That's what so fun about taking the knowledge and applying it to your next piece~

I think you did really well with this, though! I love your addition to the sky, it makes it soooo pretty!! I love the richness of the blues.

Awesome feedback! Thank you so much! :smiley: I think the perspective is what is frustrating me, so will definitely watch those videos and maybe have another go - thanks! :smile:

I quite like the moon and the sky though too hehe :blush:

I'm excited to hear if it helps you to learn how to edit those bits that bother and frustrate you~

Oh yes! I totally should have commented on the moon and sky, they fell under my general enjoyment of the image :smile:

My what a clumsy sentence I wrote... and yet I have no idea how to better say that...