Hello I'm Dan,

I wanted to try digital art for some years now, but only decided to start this week when i came across the art school video, I thought to give it a shot and start once and for all.

I started with the assignments of the first video this Friday:

I Started with the color adjustments, mostly i matched the colors, only mismatching by max. 1-digit numbers. I think i did well on the first three pictures, but the last one got me.

then i continued with the combining task:



I did the line assignment at last, for now I have only a standard tablet, i think i will practice at least 30 mins a day till I'll get used to it:

I'm looking forward to get your feedback, next week I'll continue with the next video.

Best regards,

Welcome fellow term one student =D
I applaud you for your courage to give this brand new thing a go! You're doing really well so far!
Small critique for your apples: You may have applied your colour burn too strongly resulting in your apples at the back looking a bit bruised. You need to vary your pen pressure a little while working on this. Observe closely how the shadows actually react when the apples are next to each other/in front of/behind one another on the original apples and try to mimic it.
Best of luck!


I am glad to hear you are going to keep on doing the practice exercises, persistence is the key.

Fantastic choices for the photo composite landscape. Eliminating angular perspective and instead relying only on atmosphere makes for a simple and pleasant composition that is accurate to life.