hey this is awesome! i think that some of your jaw angles in the first head placement practice seem a little off. you might have to fix some of them. but the second time you did it, it has improved so good job.

also i think your gesture drawings with squares in stick figure form seem a lot better than the previous ones with volume attempts. keep it up! i cannot wait to keep following your progress

Hey thanks for the feedback! You're right, some angles were wrong. I think I fixed them in the drawing I did today (hopefully at least haha)

And unfortunately I didn't do any 1 minute gestures as I said I was going to yesterday :frowning: sorry!

but here's what I did today

Feels a little inconsistent BUT. Super impressed with the effort so far, Quantity is huge and the more you do the more you will learn!

Try get some studies done by other people to save time and see how you can improve your workflow faster :smiley:

Yeah I'm wondering about how I'll balance the new and old anatomy exercises. I just did 30s gestures for a warmup before I start tackling the shape and head exercises.
Looking good so far!

Thank you! Good luck on your term 2 progress too :smiley: It is hard to balance haha, I've been bad on some exercises, and didn't do them. But the more we draw, the better we will get! So let's draw and draw and draw >:smiley:

Sorry I didn't draw yesterday. And today I wouldve drawn more but I wasn't in a good mood plus my grandpa died today and it made me even more sad :frowning: but I'll do more tomorrow.

also some gestures got erased in some places but I can't restore it. Sorry for that

Your head structures are looking better and more consistent, awesome!


Also my tablet pen broke because it got wet :frowning: So I've ordered a new one, and it will arrive on Tuesday (Jan 30th). And I also moved back to France (I'm studying abroad) so I haven't been able to draw recently.

BUT I'm back :smiley:
though I will have to draw traditionally until my new pen comes. I don't use an eraser because I hate the mess it makes haha (because I'm kinda a perfectionist and use the eraser too much) :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, just a new tablet pen, not a new tablet! But thanks! :smiley:

Oh :joy:
Well congrats anyway. I remember I lost my pen one time, only to find it at my dad's house 3 months after I got a new one :confused: Those things are expensive for a 19 year old without a job lol

Looking good, I really like the nose and mouth studies. For the eyes watch out for the bottom lid. You have it dip right in the middle but it actually dips to the side closer to the outer corner.

Ohh thanks for the feedback! I get what you mean now :smiley: I will watch out for that in my next study !