Here's the first assignment of the course, which I found to be fairly easy as I've been using this features for around the last year now.

I struggled with this assignment, as I've never used the color controls before, so some of these images didn't turn out exactly the same as the desired image.

This was a fun project for me, however I had the same problem as I did with the last assignment, and I couldn't get the color of the mansions to blend well with outer space, so it sticks out like a sore thumb. Hopefully I can get better at blending images together.

For this last assignment, it was a lot easier than I initially thought. It's either I'm getting better with photoshop the more I use it or editing images this way is just easy haha. They're not the greatest by any means, but I'm happy with how they turned out. Now on to the next lesson!

Hey Mal, welcome to the forums. So far so good with the Photoshop projects.

13 days later

Hi all! I'm currently going through the Nude Figure Drawing lesson, and wanted to share this exercise I did. What I like to do is as I go through the videos, I screenshot example Marc is doing and follow along with him to get some extra practice in. I'll be uploading more little exercises I've done throughout the next week. Any suggestions or comments are welcome and appreciated!

Going back a little bit, here's some figure drawing practice I did using lines and boxes to map out the human body. I tried to use examples that were in complex/dynamic poses, so I may not have lined everything up quite right. Any feedback would be appreciated!

And here's some nude figures I drew while following along with Marc. I didn't draw out a grid like Marc did, so the proportions/heights might be off, but I wanted to get into the habit of trying to eyeball it instead of using accurate measurements.

1 month later

Hello everyone! I finally got around to doing the Perspective lesson. I've been working on poses and nude figure drawings for the last few weeks, and now that I'm happy with how those have turned out, I decided to follow along with Marc in this lesson and draw the room as he drew it. It's nothing too fancy or detailed, but I will be working on my own assignment this week, so hopefully I'll be able to put more detail into that one.