@cedricgo, thank you for the feedback! i am not sure about hero shape either, i hope i'll finish this piece till the stream and see what marc says about it xD it's too complicated for me.
@luke_james_kid Oh! i see! so you mess around with shapes and then you come up with the further ideas and mood board! that's a nice advice, thank you a lot :wink:

So i changed my hero shape a bit more, because it's true that i dont have anything completely round so the whole idea with it is that the guy wont have anything spiky in his design.
So here we go.
I rly hope i finish it before tomorrow <_>

quick update with a simple lineart. i dont aim for clean lines coz more likely it will be covered anwya :smile:

3 months later

I love the shape language of her clothes. It's really cool and unusual.

Hi, I like how this character seems more designed than your previous one; not that im saying your previous design isnt good, its just this one looks like your ideas have been developed more and there is a clearer concept, while not looking over designed. The value work and clothing is very well done - all the materials read as separate materials and the detail work is very good.

If i was to offer any critique it would be the legs look a little bare and unrendered, but this could be that you haven't finished working on it yet. Either way good job, would love to see a full illustration with this character.

@cedricgo thanks :smile:
@alex_fucile thanks! Ye at the picture above I haven't finished the leg part yet.

So I spent quite a long poriton of my day jsut trying out different things with leg design and arms.. so idk.. I gonna leave it like this for now and see if I can come up with a better design decision as this one I dont like so much.
Maybe i hsould try different posture for her so I can make a better type of weapon but for now I am stuck with this one :>

I suck at drawing poses... and i could really find any reference that was to my liking.. also i dont really wanna go super mad with poses coz i plan it to be as a concept not an illustration but id say this pose is somewhat more interesting.. although i dont know.
I might draw the heels later and probably change the hands haha :>
I dont have much time to refine it more as I leave for couple of days.. maybe i will come up with better options for her..
either way, please let me know is there anything I could improve about it in terms of body position?

I think your onto a winner with the claws - they really drive home the flower like elements, almost like thorns or barbs. I like it. Also did you use a Edward Scissorhands reference for the left hand, I recognise that kind of pose from the film.

Your pose is fine, it isn't too flashy but also gets across a the characters more elegant qualities.

The pose definitely looks more interesting, even though it's only a small change. The only thing I think you could change is the leg you moved away. Right now it seems like her knee is bending outwards a little bit. I'd do something like this to correct it.

I hope that helps. I love her design! :smile:

Been enjoying watching this one develop on the streams EchoJK.

As far as that pose goes, basically standing with the weight on one leg and the other one stretched out, you have to think about her center of mass and how the tilt of the hips will change. The frills on her hips having such an accented horizontal line makes the hip alignment stick out.

The hip of the extended leg will be lowered and the standing leg will be bearing all of the weight.
This selection from istock has some poses that are very similar to what you are doing here that will help, note that the foot the women's weight is on is almost always centered in line with the body, very similar to your initial pose (Which I rather like btw the ballerina pose goes wonderfully with the outfit)

And as far as poses go, if you are at all interested and havn't heard of it, there is a program called DAZ3d that is basically all about posing 3d models of people, I have used it sporadically to get quick mannequin poses to work with, its quite helpful and has basic tutorials that will get you far enough to pose the model and then move it to whatever 3d software you are most used to working with.

And I like the big black claw hand idea that you have here, it strikes a really different note from the rest of the image, perhaps have her right hand in a "come here" position and the left hand outstretched like you have it now.

Also love the hairstyle you have given her. Overall this is a very fun design.

Haha! thanks! Although i didnt use any reference, i just threw in a bunch of strokes haha. Maybe this Edward's picture is embroidered somewhere deep in my brain haha :wink:
Coz ima hairdresser and I know how to pose with scissor hand xD

Hey! Thanks a lot for this information!

Ye i was tryna think about her weight but I think that i got confused at a time coz of the design of her clothing i didnt suppose that we will see much of her hips as it's pretty much covered by artificial clothing "hip" but Yes, I think it should be, indeed, tilted the correct way to point out that she has her weight on a particular leg.

So I will try to implement things u mentioned.

Great stock references!
And thanks for this program DAZ3d, i will definetly check it out!

Thank you, PeterH :wink: <3

a little update
I think it looks decent :>
im not sure about her face but im happy with the rest of this design

So i changed her face a bit and decided to play around with colours.
On this picture I have applied gradient map on top of the greyscale and then painted on top of it quite a bit.

And on this one I just played with gradient maps and painted on colour layer the face and hair area.

Obviously these are not finished, I will paint more on top of this to add more colour variations to the skin and details, so this is pretty much a sketch up of colours I'd use.

I like the bottom picture more but I am still not sure about colour on her puffy-wrinkly bits as im not sure with metal colour too. I'd assume metal will reflect more of the surrounding at this point hence it will have more colour in it rather than just plain silver.

Let me know what you guys think

I like both versions quite a bit, but the second one has more contrast so it does pops out more.

As for the metal colors, I think it depends on how polished it is. The more polished the more reflective it will be, sometimes almost like a mirror. A more dull metal will probably still pick up a little bit of the surrounding colors, but probably not too much.

And once again. good job on your character. I really like her! My only suggestion now would be to add a cast shadow beneath her to make it feel like she's not just floating in space. But as far as design goes, she's really nice :smile: