Environment design has grown on me every since I started art school even though I'm only on anatomy 1 at the moment. It's something I'm definitely looking forward to learning more about. It's going to be cool to see what you and others come up with this term! :grinning:

update for that first one, leaving the initial one up for comparison. And also another one that is at the beginning of the small details phase. Small details really does suck up the most time. So figuring out when to stop the small details seems to be key to decent productivity.

these are really good, Peter! :smiley: keep it up

Alright, detail and .... hmmm undetailing? pass of the first post going with Marcs comments from the stream. Any thoughts?

Also of note I grabbed this image from this site here which is all creative commons license with no required attribution or anything, so very nice landscapes that you can use with no worries of copyright issues popping up in the future.

Reworking my project concept a bit because I just couldn't get behind the farm one. So instead going with what I am calling Steel City. Using 1950's Pittsburgh architecture to make a world where it was on the coast, was never ashamed of the amount of smoke it made, and didn't fail. Laying out a rough map to start thinking about the camera angles and world layout. Got plenty of ideas for this one, and lots of reference photos to help out.

1 month later

Started doing thumbnails kind of like gestures for landscapes. But I find the rapid progression interesting.
first day

Second day

Third day


13 days later

Still focused in on landscapes and doing two for the current artstation challenge.

This one is about done.

atmospheric perspective is strong in here :+1:
looks great!

19 days later

Still working on these concepts, and trying to do more color.

WIP on this one, just laid in the perspective and colors so far, not 100% sure what I am doing with the details and structures yet, have a bone idea in my head atm.

1 month later

Some random studying that I found fun and neat. Applying things taught in Marc's course and also Scott Robertson's "how to render book". Just fun... because calculating reflections is fun to me.... yep weird.

8 days later

Next round of fantasy landscapes. I will probably take at least 2 of them through the term 9 Matte painting process.