Hello everyone! Before jumping into term 1 assignment posts, I want to share with you guys a little bit about my story. English is not my primary language so forgive me if I have any "happy accident".
Sadly enough, I'm not a new student...
I have bought Art School since it was released. But I haven't posted anything related to assignment since then except some nude figure drawings... I was very excited about Art School when Marc Brunet announced it but then suddenly, when Art School came to Term 2 or 3, I losted my motivation for drawing. I was completely burnt out. (I didn't know the exact reason why I dropped Art School or stopped drawing. Maybe I followed so many talent artists and got frustrated when I saw their amazing artworks ... or maybe university was so stressful at the time ... or maybe I felt that I was not making any progress... or ...etc)
The day I dropped Art School was 22/03/2018, almost 1 year ago and I have been procastinating since... until recently. Again, I don't know why and how I regain my motivation back for drawing. I can't describe that feeling. I remembered watching this video and found out that the guy in this video also had his procastinating time. Then I kept googling more about art related video. And I found this video. Then, out of nowhere, my motivation for drawing came back to me (I really, really don't know how and why). I even created my own youtube channel and posted some of my time-lapse digital painting video there (I am not pr-ing my channel, I just link it here to make an example)
At right now, I certainly know that I want to pursue an art career in my life, so I'm refreshing Art School as a new student. I want to pursue Art School until the end of it. And until then, I will slowly keep drawing, learning fundamentals, doing assignments and sharing posts/videos about my progress. I really, really hope that this time I will not rush anything and not out of my track again.
My name is Liam Truong. I'm 22 years old. And my dream is to draw fantasy dragons from my imagination
Mar 15, '19
last reply
Apr 12, '19