Hi, I'm Hayleigh, but online I go by Toasty.

I'll cut to the chase: I'm an art student at university with the goal of someday working for Blizzard as a concept artist. I have had no industry experience, just a few small art jobs here and there, and I know I have a long adventure ahead.

Since I'm at the beginning of my career, I'm looking for a lot of feedback on my work - particularly critiques to develop a more Blizzard art style.

For my current project, I worked from my concept art to sculpt a fox character for 3D printing. I looked at characters such as Lili (Heroes of the Storm) and the Llothien Prowler (WoW) for reference on proportions and detail. The test print has come out really well and will be my first attempt at hand-painting, so any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Looking great! Love this guy's big fluffy cheeks and the monocle. The proportions are also looking pretty cool, it makes me imagine this must be a grumpy old man fox of some sort. Was this done in Zbrush or Mudbox?

I might suggest when you're sculpting to create separate objects for different parts of the sculpture (particularly the coat and monocle) and then combining them so it looks less like everything's welded together (it will help everything look a lot cleaner and you'll be able to incorporate more detail as well).

Showing your process behind how you came up with this design is also really important so be sure to include any sketches and designwork you created or drew to get to creating this sculpt.

It's also a good idea to pick some of your favorite concept artists or concept artists that work for the companies you want to work at eventually, and examine their workflow and see what their process is like to give you an idea of what the expectations are in concept art careers.

I'm not sure if you're using reference photos/materials when creating your concepts but I wanted to say the folds in the arms of the coat seem a bit off so I might recommend doing a bit of studying of cloth types and folds.

Good luck!