Hello. I'm going to be placing my assignments here! This post is about Photoshop for Digital Production

Pen Control Assignment.

Image Adjustments (Arguably this was the most difficult assignment of this entire module. I was so very frustrated with the Mech Pilot and Beach Mei images that I basically kept re-doing them until I ran out of patience!)

Combining Images

Reference Images Used For Combining Images Assignment:

Liquify Assignment (Struggled with this!)

Merging Assignment (Also found this really hard. Couldn't seem to balance skintones and things)

Duplicating apples. (This was the most fun for me as I arguably have more experience with this side of photoshop. Fun.)

I'm glad I soldiered through this module though as I was tempted to just dive into anatomy and perspective but I learned a lot about tools I don't use enough while doing digital things even in my day job. So learned a lot!