I love this, would be a really cool print. The composition is nice, the contrast in colour to highlight the ship which leads the eye and strong surrounding shapes along with the force of the waves and rain. Seriously really nice work :smile: pop a link to your Artstation if you have more like this.

29 days later

Love this! Scale is great, the atmospheric fading of the cliffs is great, and the comp is solid.

The only thing that seemed off was the bottom right corner, I had trouble finding the words to describe the issue, so I took the small version and painted over it to show you what I wanted to say, the shapes just weren't blending the same way the rest of your image did and did not make sense, kind of like there was a cliff in the ocean.

I am sorry if it bothers you or anything, let me know and I won't do it again. But I hope it helps. Really great image.