3 years later

Coming back to cubebrush.com and hoping you guys can receive me again with arms wide open :blush: Let's do some cool art here, i'll keep sharing my stuf on this blog and also my Discord server just in case you'de like to watch my streams.

Hello and welcome back! Hope to see more of your work soon :smile:

Hey Cedric, thanks so much, and yes i will be around more often.

12 days later

Now refining her facial features and head mechanisms.

Artist needs to have a dimension where the day has 45 hours at least

xD Don't you think so?

11 days later

Almost finished ^_^ and fighting with the Background haha!

Character made based on my wife's body and face ^^
Wallpaper preview.

9 days later

Nice! I look forward to see the progress :smile:

Oh man, i just saw the message, sorry for late response X_X thanks so much dude, i'm gonna work on it this weekend, for sure.

2 months later

Keep going with my wife's character ^_^

3 years later

A lil sketch of Bayonetta for daily practice.

Ann Flores Fan art

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