Hi, a little presentation of me before you look at my works.
My name is Jacopo. I'm 22 and i'm studying engineering in Italy. I had no skills when I started drawing, like 3-4 years ago. My drawings were so ugly and still they are :sweat_smile:.
But i keep practicing myself when i have time, because i have to draw. I hope you guys can give me right advices. I'm really excited to show you my works and see yours.

I have a lot's of sketch i drew years ago, but I save you this agony :grin:
Here some more recent drawings

12 days later

19 days later

2 months later

Nice stuff, I like how you're into bright, saturated colors. Just be careful with how much you use them. After all, colors can only be vibrant if they can be compared with surrounding dull colors!

1 month later

you have a lot of power in what your putting up here. it strikes emotionally, however; your technical is behind it.
i'd strongly recommend color studies. you could study classics; but you may also be able to gain from graphic-centric color design

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