Here I am again, sorry hahah hope to not being to harassing 
If you are not registered yet in the Facebook page with all the terms there is a pdf file called "weekly streams" where that's written how to get into it. If you have troubles with it just let me know
Instead, if you are already in the group, Marc just publish a post, like, some hours before the streams (Saturday 2PM PDT usually).
In this post you can comment adding your artwork (JPEG file), that can be anything related to the assignments or personal works (related to the topics in the lessons). Than you need to add your question, or many questions hahah and Marc will answer to you and usually give a comment to get better. Maybe if you add also references is better, don't worry the rules are written in the post itself.
During the stream he analyze every artwork and will answer to the questions. In the chat also students can give feedback and ask further questions, and get to know each other better of course 
In the Facebook page if you want you can see old streams and artworks from us if you want, also on Marc's YouTube page.
Hope that this will answer to your questions, sorry I'm not super good in explaining things
If you need further help don't worry and ask other things, we are here to help