Thank you so much !Your kind words honors me :relaxed:
But there are people here they are much better at gesture drawing than I.
You want some advice from me oh ... okay I'm not a good teacher but ...

However I can still try to explain to you how I go about it.
The first thing I do is as Marc explained in his video that you should first draw a line for the movement of the body.
Then I look in which direction the individual parts of the body move and try to reproduce the movement of the regions in a simplified way or even to exaggerate them. when a movement is heavily bent or stretched, i try to overdo it and give it "expressiveness".
Because for me it represents the meaningfulness of the pose and thus expresses "living" for me :sweat_smile:
So I'm not trying to reproduce the actual pose and anatomy 100%, but the movement (I don't know if it's that smart but yeah :joy: )

I did an example to explain it better.. unfortunately my english is not the best ... sorry
I hope the explanation and the picture can help you a little.

Don't worry your English is perfect :joy: really, really thanks for your explanation, I will try to do it this week with your example near to get the perfect gesture, thank you :heart_eyes:
And I totally agree that the expressiveness is totally way better than the natural accuracy, in fact it's gesture and not figure drawing :grin:

Hi dear creative people out there!
I have a question about Marc's weekly steams. Do you have to register somewhere with him to get tips and criticism from him or does he choose people from the forum himself?
First of all a big thank you to everyone who answers me and still a good success with your projects.

Thanks but you don't need to thank me for that.
The art community is / should be there to help each other and that you can work together on challenges and problems and that you can grow in your art journey :blush:

Here I am again, sorry hahah hope to not being to harassing :sweat_smile:

If you are not registered yet in the Facebook page with all the terms there is a pdf file called "weekly streams" where that's written how to get into it. If you have troubles with it just let me know :sweat_smile:

Instead, if you are already in the group, Marc just publish a post, like, some hours before the streams (Saturday 2PM PDT usually).

In this post you can comment adding your artwork (JPEG file), that can be anything related to the assignments or personal works (related to the topics in the lessons). Than you need to add your question, or many questions hahah and Marc will answer to you and usually give a comment to get better. Maybe if you add also references is better, don't worry the rules are written in the post itself.

During the stream he analyze every artwork and will answer to the questions. In the chat also students can give feedback and ask further questions, and get to know each other better of course :sweat_smile:

In the Facebook page if you want you can see old streams and artworks from us if you want, also on Marc's YouTube page.

Hope that this will answer to your questions, sorry I'm not super good in explaining things :sweat_smile: If you need further help don't worry and ask other things, we are here to help :relaxed:

Thanks for your quick and detailed answer.Hahaha you don't bother me xD
I feel more like I'm pushing myself.
I am glad that I found someone here in the forum so quickly that I can ask something and also exchange advice/ideas.
Ok then I would have to register on Facebook now. I don't plan to get any feedback from Marc yet, but it's good to know in the future.
First it is my goal to learn figurative drawing and then go into the anatomy. :muscle:
Finally if I think I can do it to some extent, I will start my own project. Before that, I think it makes little sense if I know that I cannot apply the basics myself and then he finally says to me 'learn the basics first and then implement them for yourself' :joy:
thank you again :pray:

Hey Vamppamingo! Those are nice gesture drawings! I look forward to see your progress :+1:

hahah I understand what you mean!! It's great to see your journey clearly with different steps to reach a certain goal. Waiting to see also your anatomy study sessions hahah

Maybe you can just watch the streams without sending him anything, most of the times I learned more watching others projects than my feedback itself hahah in fact I take notes every time :sweat_smile:

Like when I was at term 1 I learned a lot of anatomy by the fact that Marc reviews many student's works based on that class. It was a bit scary at the beginning but it helped me also with figure drawing :joy: Also the assignments that I've already done, it's always a good recap in order to not forget anything.

And maybe I can say to not be afraid of Marc's judgement, he is kind and he also prefers to comment the first terms because the basics are so important to go forward without difficulties.
But if you want you can upload here in the forum and we are here to help and support :relaxed:

19 days later

Hi guys, I just wanted to say that I'm still alive :sunglasses:
The last few weeks have just been a bit stressful, I hope that this coming week will be better.
With a little luck I can start again tomorrow.
Next I decided to take a closer look at the face. Especially with the nose and lips I have my difficulties and putting everything in different perspectives will probably kill me :joy:
But I hope that everything works out well for you so far and that you can work on your projects with motivation :two_hearts:

So my companions :relaxed:
I said yesterday I want to be more active in this forum no matter what happens and finally post my "progress".
That's not much of what I managed to do today, but I think it's at least a beginning (better than nothing again)First of all, I decided on the shape of the head (as Marc had done in his study lesson, I think I will probably keep the order,too).
If everything goes well, tomorrow will be the turn of the ears :sweat_smile: :ear:
But now first my head study from different angles.
I don't know but somehow the head on the far right side it doesn't seems correct...right?
I tried to do the bird's eye view but it looks strange ... :joy:
Any advice for me?
Should more seem inappropriate, do not be afraid to let me know :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
See you tomorrow

I think you did calculations on the far right correct. These just look weird at certain angles without ears or neck (try drawing an actual head floating without a neck—gives you a very uneasy feeling). As for critique, I think you're making the face section a bit too narrow. Especially visible with the one of the front view. Some people are like that, but majority will have wider cheekbones overall.

Thank you very much for your criticism :blush: Yes, you are right, that will be due to the missing elements on the head.
Yes, the face looks really too narrow. I'm trying to improve that :muscle:
Hope you would look over there again, I think with you they have found a critical but also a fair draftsman.

14 days later

Hi everybody🙌
After a long time I post small studies again. I'm really ashamed because people like chiara, Weird Owl or Ivan are really hard-working here and I'm so dumb with with my stuff afterwards.😫😔😰

Today, the eyes were more in place of the ears. I tried to represent different emotions instead of individual eyes. Men as well as women. The last pair of eyes in the men section should look more Asian but I have the feeling that I didn't get it really well. Unfortunately, I don't know how I could do better. Could someone give me some advice or show me how to do it better?

Pfft, I'm posting constantly because I have nothing better to do. #UnemploymentLife :joy:
As for male Asian eyes, the distinctive trait is the overlapping eyelid and a rounder curve in the corner of the eye. Also, their eyebrows are more straight than for European males. Here's a pretty distinct example.

Oh I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you do something meaningful in your free time, many don't do anything when they don't have a job.😤
Unfortunately, I always have too much to do and I only do my job because I can't get a job in my learned profession. I still admire that you are working hard and continue to improve you😊.

Ok.... yes, I wasn't so aware of that with the eyebrows... ey why haven't I noticed that yet!? xD Thank you! The eyelid is honestly my problem, if I try to represent that then it looks like in the picture of my... I'm too stupid to portray it, but I really don't know why🤔😅
Then probably one of my goals will soon be to put more focus on Asian eyes.
Thank you for your advice🙇‍♀️

No problem! Honestly, you guys are keeping me sane.
And good job on portraying the eye expressions (I forgot to say that in the last post). I'm really digging the study.

Hi companions,
Today I dealt with the lips Anatomy. Unfortunately, fewer drawings came out than I wanted. Although I haven't watched a render lesson from Marc yet, I still dared to draw it.
Anyway, it was fun😅
Maybe I'll start to render a drawing here or there soon.
Whenever someone has advice or criticism, please always get out with it.

That's nice to hear.
No problem I forget to write in posts more often.
Sometimes I edit my post but most of the time I don't write it, because I don't want to get on the nerves of the people or I want to present myself as a wiseacres🤓