Hello everyone! I am Victor and I am an aspiring artist who, in the future, will and can draw all the ideas that I want to materialize to something that can be seen visually by me and of course, by other people. My passion for drawing started when I was still around 13 years old. But of course, my family wasn't that rich and there were no good art school around in my area so I have to rely by myself on pursuing arts. Now that I'm 22 years old, I promised to myself that I'll do whatever it takes to achieve my dreams to be a concept artist that specializes in character and environment. I'm really thankful that my interest and passion for parts didn't waned after years of hiatus. Also, since I don't have someone to really mentor or provide proper feedback for my works, I'll be asking for the community to help me in this matter huhu, and I'll be sure to do the same!

Thank you everyone and have a nice day!

Week 1 Progress Report

Since I am already somewhat experienced on Photoshop and handling a pen for graphic tablet, I didn't had that much problem on the exercises, except of course on the exercise where we need to color and exposure correct images. And yeah, the ELLIPSES, which is a pain in the ass but I know that in time I'll master it.

Also, I'm happy to report that I'm eagerly doing the visual assignment daily, and that I'm enjoying observing things. I hope that it becomes a habit soon! So far I'm thankful that everything is going smoothly and I hope to maintain this optimism until the end!

If anyone can provide a feedback, that would be helpful thank youu

Hi Victor, welcome! Great job already on the assignments!

12 days later

Hello everyone! First of all I would like to thanks everyone who greeted me last last week. I really appreciate the warm welcome, and I hope to foster friendships with you all! Anyways for this weeks progress (I'm late), here are my outputs:

To start, here is my output for the dream house. I specifically chose a tropical setting since I love the ocean, the sun, the ocean breeze, generally just the vibes a beach gives. I chose a Japanese castle since I find them very interesting to look at and the way they are constructed. The question is, does it fit in a tropical setting? We'll find out once we actually built one on a beach.

Next is the apples assignment. Well this was easy for me since I've been using Photoshop for as long as I remember and understand its tools (somewhat) well (how it functions, where and when to use it for etc.) But of course, I still followed Master Marc's tutorial since there are some tools that I haven't been able to used before like the dodge tool and the burn tool.

Then the make someone older assignment. I enjoyed this one because this was the first time I extensively used the Healing Brush Tool. And this knowledge will come in handy since I also retouch photos whenever I do photo shoot with models. Also, I really wanted to put the full beard to the target but it looks really weird so I have to scrap that idea xdd

And lastly, the liquify assignment. I really had fun doing this since it challenged me to make an output that is actually decent. I morphed the face of the alien to a face of the guy provided in the assignments. It was kinda difficult since you will really stretch the face of the alien as the face of the guy is wider compared to the lady given in the assignment. I had to meticulously 'massage' some of the parts in order for them not to look stretched that much. I'm just glad it worked well (kinda) lol

Well, that's that for the Photoshop assignments. Onwards to officially start my journey (again) in Figure Drawing, and I'm really excited that I will be taking steps again towards my dream. See you again guys!

Hey, welcome! So far your assignments are looking good! I've noticed that you are pushing yourself just enough to get the most out of these assignments! You have great potential! Keep it up!

9 days later

Welp, for my recent progress, here are some cylinders. I got really busy this week and here's hoping that I will be able to finish some assignment, especially the 30 sec Gesture Drawing and the cylinders on limbs. And of course some personal drawings to apply my knowledge on drawing.