Hi there! Good inking which is an important skill for comic/mangaka artists. What are some of your influences? My wife does the same and she has a book called "Manga in Theory and Practice" by Hirohiko Araki, who is the author of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

You can find it on Amazon for about $17.99 before taxes.

I have the book, I have just not gotten to it.

Also, thanks, I wasn't really sure about my inking.

Hello and welcome to the forums. Those are some impressive artworks. I'll love to see your progress during the course.

thank you, I can't wait to show and get feedback for my improvements

Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing more from you!

thanks!! I look forward to the responses from the community!

Eyyy welcome to the forum :smiley: I also want to be a comic/manga artist :smiley: its cool to see other people who have the same goal ^u^