11 days later
29 days later
Been thinking about this tablet myself, probbably will be going for a intuos first though as i don't have a tablet yet and looking to get into digital art one thing i wondered about though was the difference between 13'' and the 16'' and 1440p vs 4k i heard for proffesional work you'd want to go with the 4k for the increased resolution since i hear the pros use really large resolutions on thier work. My question though is will i be ok with a 13'' 1440p screen for any proffesional needs i might have in the future or should i spend the extra 1000 for the 4k 16'' ?
I'm using a 4k iMac and it's amazing. Never thought it would be that great. My Cintiq 27" is nowhere near that screen and colour quality. However, I don't miss that at all when I paint with my 13" Cintiq Pro. The screen is top notch and the distance between the canvas and pen seems to be less than a 27" Cintiq. You can easily use it for professional photo editing, if you don't mind it being a Windows.
I also bought that new Cintiq Pro 13" last week and it looks better than the Intuos and 27" Cintiq. No idea how it is compared to the 16", though! Thought I'd try out the smaller version first and even though it is a bit smaller than I expected (being used to 27") I wouldn't buy a bigger one if I plan on taking it with me often! If you want to use it at home only I'd go for the 16" : )
If you want I can send you pictures of the two Cintiqs and Intuos S together but i don't have a 16" to compare it with.
I would be interested in seeing that size comparison indeed looking at starting out with a intuos art which should be the size of a intuos S and it would be interesting to see the size differences
was just interested to know if the 4k resolution vs 1440p would make it or break it for proffesional digital artists like concept artists for video games etc do you feel like you have enough room on your 13'' compared to your 27''
trying both the 13'' and 16'' is not gonna be an option for me though, unless i pay for both which would be a total cost of 5000 dollars, which is way to much money for me
If you want a size comparison with my Intuos you'll have to wait for another week. I'm currently on a holiday so i don't have it with me. I do have a picture of the 13" with the 27" on my phone.
I think the 27" is way way too large. I don't even use half of the screen. It would've been better if it were only 24" or 22", unless you're the size of a bear and need that space...
Honestly, I don't think a 4k is that necessary. This series is the only one with a 4k screen and most pros don't even own one. Nor does every artist have a 4k monitor. I'd concentrate more on the screen's colours and herz.
Before I forget, I do not have enough room to draw while drawing on a 13". That could be because I'm used to a 27" but I don't mind as long as i can draw anywhere I want since I have several jobs.
Ah, no worries! that's understandable
I guess zooming in and out kinda makes up for the smallers size, but yeah you make a good point, 4k cintiqs weren't a thing before yet they were used by pros so i should be fine with a 1440p for the future
think I will save up for the 13'' in that case
for now i'm just gonna get a cheap intuos to get me started as i probbably won't have the funds for a mobilestudio pro for atleast another 6 months hehe
As promised, the Mobile Cintiq and the Intuos Manga S next to each other. You can use the pen as reference too. The blue pen is Intuos.
In the second picture you can clearly see how much of the screen can be used for drawing. I think it's 13" but the length of the whole tablet is actually 15", like a normal laptop.
IF you ever plan on getting one I recommend getting a USB C to USB converter so you can plug in a USB stick or your mouse for when you decide to use it as a normal computer... or game on it.
Oh my god I adore it. As I am working on an Intuos S creative pen and my laptop which does not even have too good colors, I feel in a need of some better tablet. Though even when trying to work as much as I can, as a student it's hard to earn so much money Guess I'll be saving up for it for at least half a year and starving :DDD
Good question. Not sure. I use an iMac and use some kind of dvi cable, I think. Like usb cables there are a dozen different types of dvi cables.
Unfortunately I can't try it out because I'd first have to get the usb cable of my Cintiq out which means I'd have to detach the 27" Cintiq from the arm and get the screws out from the back. Sounds easy but that thing is so heavy. Another option is to get myself a a new female to male usb cable or whatever they're called That still doesn't guarantee a direct interaction between my monitor and Cintiq pro. All the previous (newer) Cintiq models require two cables; a USB cable for interaction with the pen and an HDMI/DVI cable for the screen.
My guess is that with only a USB you can use the Cintiq as a normal tablet only. The USB C converter I'm currently using isn't from Wacom and Wacom's has two slots??
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
12 days later
I LOVE my tablet. I have the same as Kiger. I saved up money for over a year to go to Japan as well but I bought this tablet instead of the Companion 2 or a Cintiq.
At school I previously worked on a smaller Cintiq but it was horrible. The distance between the display and my pen was just too much. But this MobileStudio tablet is the best. It feels very natural and the 13 inch size makes it perfect to carry around.
And guess what. It makes NO sound. When it does, it makes less noise than me blowing out candles on a cake. ^_^
I know it can be really hard to make the right decision but once I opened the box all of my doubts were gone and I still am in love with the tablet.
So, buy it if you need a tablet and have a job to save money for it. It will be worth your money. If not, return it.
The biggest con for me was that my nibb died on me after using the tablet for just a few weeks. It started scratching and making noises so I changed it to of the other nibs. I love the felted nib and want to buy more but as far as I know they don't sell any replacement nibs yet. Which is very strange...
My post looks like a Wacom propaganda but it really is as good as I described it. At least mine is.
2 years later
of course , the new model is batter than the old one , you can choose the new wacom MSP Tablet .
I Use a XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro Graphics Tablet With Screen . because I already have a working PC, I only need graphic tablet monitor .
It prices in at $439 with a neat, optional adjustable stand. I just ordered one. Worth mentioning is that the resolution is 1920 x 1080, and features of 88% NTSC Color Gamput . no parallax .
the battery-free stylus has the 8000 levels of pressure sensitivity and support 60 degrees of pen tilt . Works beautifully, no lag when drawing .