Hi CleverBoi,

The one that spoils the composition the least is the second one in the four panel. (top right, with the pine trees/evergreens or whatever)

Because the background becomes a solid shape. Not only does it 'not spoil' the compisition I get the feeling of depth among the forest wall background. The others have more contrast, so if we deduce that decision making down to that fact, the one with the least contrast doesn't lose the composition. But I also like it more. If you wanted you can make those tree tops a little sparse to infer the 'dead tree look' and add a bit of variety when you do your final. Good luck!

I agree with @brohawk. I think that the second one works the best out of the four. It keeps the focus on the tower while also giving a nice setting to the picture.

i think botom right looks amazing
the blury trees just fit with the dead atmoshpyr mode, it looks just incredble

Thank you for your opinion I'll keep working on it and see what looks best