15 minute paintover for the day. It might take longer to explain.
But color counterchange, and value counterchange can push the eye around by creating contrast. Contrast is the main thing that pushes the eye. Contrast is the main thing that we are trying to control. Subtle to extreme. Contrasts of everything, edges, colors, shapes, line thickness, etc, etc, etc....
Warm light to cool shadow is a principle that a lot of people know, but this paintover is just to illustrate the point of counterchange. Overall dark to light, light to dark, and warm to cool, and cool to warm. On the cool and dark side, you have the opposite where your focal point is to push the eye there. A light warm spot on the cool dark side. Hopefully this pic illustrates it.
Its not "how this piece is supposed to be" so take this with grain of salt and use it to your own purposes to push the eye of the viewer around. If you have any questions let me know. Hope it makes sense and helps.