Hi there! I'm looking for some feedback on this piece. I'm at a point where things didn't go exactly according to plan and I'm kinda confused as to where to go next.

I'm not looking to do dramatic changes to the character, but mostly the environment that he's in. My goal is to portray a kind of Shaman-ish guy performing a ritual as he is making a potion. There should be purple hued "spirits" floating around him and things like ingredient or artifacts hanging and laying in the about later on.

I tried to experiment quickly on a more defined background of the outside of his little "hut", but I'm not so sure about that.

Let me know what you guys think! :smile:

I actually like his stiff right hand, makes the painting look more intense. I do like the corrections on the colours and contrast. Especially that of his left hand which was too dark before. And the option smoke creates more dynamic and depth.

I love love love this color palette!

Really enjoying the brushwork, composition and storytelling here!