I'm trying to learn art again after a couple years break of learning to use my hand again from a wrist injury. Before I was studying to be a concept artist for 2 years with no prior experience :p. It went alright but now having more time than I had with the constant deadlines of school I hope to better understand all the concepts and be a better artist than I was a couple years ago.
Here's my progress in term one so far: sadly my apples vanished so going to redo that
Had a bit of trouble on the last one here with the blues. Probably did something wrong to the greens and yellows that caused an issue.
Bit of photobashing. Gave up on the first one as I wasn't too happy about it and the second one I messed up the scale due to working too big.
I lost my apples so will do that again but I do have 2 faces
and finally the alien
Finally got to do some Nude figure drawing practice but I feel like something is wrong sometimes but I can't quite figure out what. I watched the class again and saw I was doing something wrong with the ovals and fixed that but still something feels very off.