Hi guys, this is my first time in the Cubebrush Comunity. Even though painting landscapes has never been my strongsuit, it is a subject i've been dwelling on lately.
For this challenge, I chose to depict a world I've been thinking about for quite sometime now. This world is a mixture of Mayan/ Latin America influences with your good ol' cyberpunk (Blade Runner-ish) mambo jambo.
Until now i've been only able to sketch these rough thumbnails but feel free to tell me honestly what you think about it whilst I develop it. Any constructive criticism would be really apreciated guys. Thanks.

Hey man, delete the part that says example in your topic description, that's only there to provide an example :smiley:
I like your colors in the most of these. Good luck!

Hey thanks man! Sorry, only now did I notice I had forgotten to delete that :sweat_smile: My bad :smile:

Nice thumbnails. I like the 2nd (colors), 3rd and 5th the most. 7th is nice too but the first one... gives the most possibilities :wink:


Hey Jonathan!!! Thank you very much for your input. I'm going to take that into account! :smiley: