Name: Jeff Jumper

Sci-Fi Environment Concept

the Story

By 2076 Humanity has had many great advances in
Transportation, Technology, Communication, and Medicines, but other things have not advanced,
Overpopulation, Divide and Greed have gotten out of control.
Longer life spans and a shortage of Food and Resources led to violent out brakes, invasions and wars.
The people grew tired of the continued suppression and threat of starvation and death unite and fight back to rid the world of evil Governments and endless Greed. Dismantling all War machines and Weapons of Mass Destruction on earth.
People United it was agreed all of Humanity's efforts would be put into terraforming all available land on earth for FOOD and the HARVEST.

After reading the brief
I started my concepts based on plausible catastrophic events,
Super Volcano, Nuclear Winter, Solar Flare, Global Warming run amok, Meteor Strike, Government Experiment. Pandemic,
I went with the OVERPOPULATION concept over the others because it seemed a little more subtle, and something I haven't seen to much of in science fiction.

I'm going to focus on environment lighting, hour before sunset
and the massive Harvestor silo's and GM crop.
with a sci fi norman rockwell - hieronymus bosch feel
You'll see a farmer with Super sized food in hands and a mag truck,
hint of Giant Agricultural center in way background.

The Sketch will now be fleshed out in grey scale while playing with a few ideas along the way.

I appreciate feedback and guidance
Till next post
follow me on links above

Some Rough B&W compositions, I'm not completely sold on one of these yet, some I'm exploring a few more angles, and ideas more from the farmers point of view, to tell this story. More tomorrow.



More concepts from another point of view.

Gotta pick on and move on to finish..
Any input greatly appreciated.

Thanks all