Name : Franziskus Hensel
Email :
Hi all this is my first challenge here at cubebrush. I am really thankful for this opportunity.
So this is my idea for the challenge.
My world is in the near future. Conventional fuel sources runned dry . Wars for the last bits of fuel destroyed the world we know. Anarchy rules. During ths time a Union -made of the biggest companies called NBR AG- explores huge fuel resources deep under the ocean. The resources are so deep that they canΒ΄t be mined with the technic which is known. A new mining system is developed and mounted on a huuuge ^^ mining tower. The costs are immens so there are only 5 towers in the world.
Around the tower evolvs a city. A city which is constently growing and only for the Elite. This 5 cities float over the seas to mine also the last resources on earth.
The Oil seeker Cities are born.
Thank you