Name : Franziskus Hensel
Email :

Hi all this is my first challenge here at cubebrush. I am really thankful for this opportunity.

So this is my idea for the challenge.

My world is in the near future. Conventional fuel sources runned dry . Wars for the last bits of fuel destroyed the world we know. Anarchy rules. During ths time a Union -made of the biggest companies called NBR AG- explores huge fuel resources deep under the ocean. The resources are so deep that they can´t be mined with the technic which is known. A new mining system is developed and mounted on a huuuge ^^ mining tower. The costs are immens so there are only 5 towers in the world.
Around the tower evolvs a city. A city which is constently growing and only for the Elite. This 5 cities float over the seas to mine also the last resources on earth.
The Oil seeker Cities are born.

Thank you

Nice idea so far. I like 1 and 2 best. The more height you convey the better, I think.

Good luck!

11 days later

I like the backstory you've come up with, and it looks like you've come pretty far with your sketches and ideation phase.

In the last sketch for the final image I think you maybe could get a little closer to the mining tower and the city around it. Right now a lot of space is dedicated to pretty much nothing but clouds. Other than that, just keep on pushing!

Sorry for the bad hiccup with your file! I'm glad to see that you recovered from it, and I'm loving the progress. Keep it up!

thanks. will do my best to finish it ^^

Oh man... that is a bad luck... Good to see that you've overcome this and keep doing the great work!
