I'm new to cubebrush, but thought I'd give this competition a go. Looking forward to seeing everyone's work!
My idea for this challenge is a world like ours left flooded, marshy and dangerous after events that are lost to memory. Humanity lives on in tribal settlements wherever high ground can be found, and guarded.
So, my concept is a large tribe of somewhat primitive humans who have built their village inside the dish of a radio telescope. A large parabolic dish about 400m across, housing a layered 'city' of wood and clay structures. The dish is ideal for them as its high above the water... and what lurks in it. And can easily defend off rival tibes.
I've put together a few mood boards, just as a general guide really. I want to explore a little more before committing to a final visual direction.
I'm exploring scale in unreal atm. But i think a dish about 400m across should be more than big enough.
A couple videos exploring the sort of scale I would like to able to achieve:
Everything in the vids is just temp, as i try to figure out a few things.
I've been looking into this for a few days, but haven't posted as I was worried I would have the time to finish it. but i'm committing here to doing just that.
Thanks, and have fun all.
Jun 27, '17
last reply
Jul 3, '17