Really want to take part in the contests, but... any chance of adding Kazakhstan to the list of countries? :smile: I mean, you got Russia, Ukraine and Belarus there already :wink:

I only have one (two-part) question:

If we're badass enough, is it possible to enter both 2D and 3D challenges, and win both top prizes?

Or would winning 1st place in one challenge hinder one's chances for 1st place in the other challenge?

I'm truly asking here. Thanks.

Guys, i want to ask. If someone else enter for me, it means he or she has to start the topic here, doesn't it? So, after he or she have posted my first topic, could I continue that topic from my country? Or has he or she always to post in every new progress/ comment?
Thank you.

@jerome you can post everything yourself and from your account - only in case you win, that person has to state that she / he was the one who entered and will receive the prices (for you).

@henfan haha, well you certainly don't lack confidence! :smile: there is no rule against it, so I don't see why not. The entries will be judged based on their quality, not on who made them.

I'm first time challenger, so I have a question about genre. Does Fantasy mean that my world could contain different unicorns, fairies and dragons? =) Thank you =))

@Cheshirka Welcome to the forums! Yes, fantasy means anything that deals with magic - including unicorns, fairies and dragons! :smile:

In a team that comes from a land beyond the legal boundaries, does everybody need a stand in or the team is represented by only one ''legal'' person if the team win? And is it wise for 3 persons that want to buff their portfolio with the contest to be reprensented by another in case of winning? If it is officially by someone in Ontario but on the artstation of someone from Quebec, it could be problematic

What is the style of work? I mean, should my world look realistic or like cartoon scene (with handpainted textures)?

@lethaos you need one person in a country where Cubebrush is allowed to ship the prizes to. if it's a person from your team, and they are willing to ship your part of the prize to you, you're all good.
You will all be named and credited properly in case of winning. The representation is only an 'internal' administrative thing between your team and Cubebrush.

@Cheshirka whichever you like best :wink:

Regarding the old ruins, can it be the ruins of present day civilization set in the future?

Is it ok to use shapes of famous sights (BigBen, Great Wall ofCnina, etc. ) in work?

17 days later

Can we use Unreal Engine?

Hello, I live in France. Is that I can participate in the Challenge?

8 days later

Could anybody here download the World logo? How to download that file btw? In my pc always appears a notification which is said i am not a "hello user".

Below i copied the confirmation message

You are about to log in to the site “” with the username “hello”, but the website does not require authentication. This may be an attempt to trick you.

Is “” the site you want to visit?

Then, when i clicked the OK button, it would direct me to another page. :frowning:

@jerome The download is indeed broken, thanks for telling us, we'll get it fixed as soon as we can.
The message is really strange though :smile: it wasn't showing me that.
Anyway, i'll get back to you as soon as the link will be running.

I'll add this to avoid confusion: As to why we didn't answer some the other questions, generally, if we don't answer, you can find the answer in the Rules or FAQ.
Can I paint x / Can I work in x? Yes, unless it goes against the rules, you can.
You can also find a list of eligible countries above.
We are trying to avoid repeating the ArtWar, where we were answering the same question ten times in a row :smile:

@jerome all fixed now! :smile: Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

thank you. I have already downloaded that file. Thank you for your kind reply

Can I use texture material downloaded from other sources in my 3d environment?

Can I use other people's art as reference?