8 days later
Could anybody here download the World logo? How to download that file btw? In my pc always appears a notification which is said i am not a "hello user".
Below i copied the confirmation message
You are about to log in to the site “cubebrush.co” with the username “hello”, but the website does not require authentication. This may be an attempt to trick you.
Is “cubebrush.co” the site you want to visit?
Then, when i clicked the OK button, it would direct me to another page.
@jerome The download is indeed broken, thanks for telling us, we'll get it fixed as soon as we can.
The message is really strange though it wasn't showing me that.
Anyway, i'll get back to you as soon as the link will be running.
I'll add this to avoid confusion: As to why we didn't answer some the other questions, generally, if we don't answer, you can find the answer in the Rules or FAQ.
Can I paint x / Can I work in x? Yes, unless it goes against the rules, you can.
You can also find a list of eligible countries above.
We are trying to avoid repeating the ArtWar, where we were answering the same question ten times in a row
@jerome all fixed now! Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
@MrBobarian @jcg yes & yes
(if it's not forbidden in the rules the answer is most probably yes :)/
@MrBobarian hmm, actually, let me re-answer that. For some reason I read it as in - 'can I use photos as texture' but now I'm seeing it could mean all sorts of things.
What exactly are the other sources? If the question is if you can collect & use other people's work in your models, then the answer will have to be no.
I'm sorry, I'm kinda slow at this heat conditions (it's about 95 F in here), but how far rule about post-production goes for 3D contestants ? Can I make fog via ZDepth, some color correction, etc? Or this rule just like "no fake new geometry" one? What about sky backplate, is it allowed?
And what is judging criteria: only design matters, or technical aspects also will be considered, like texture sizes, polycount, etc?
Acolet, sorry to write this as a reply, I'm new here and I'm afraid that I don't really know how to use Forum as it is supposed - I posted some sketches for this challenge but I'm not sure how to that again in the same post. I just do Reply over and over again and that's the way I upload the rest of my work. Please help me if that is not the right way Also, it doesn't seem that get any interaction with other members, is that the problem? Tnx