The sad thing for me is that these days majority of industry and artists rely on other peoples photos\work and software.Just look all art of (place some AAA title here) and majority of art is photo bashing. And people go "wow" "amazing" but do they realize that is cheating. If you rely on some 3d software to make you perspective, lighting, colors, etc. and you make some brushstrokes above all, can we call that 2d art? Same with photo-bashing. If I get someones artwork and paint some alien in the picture can I call it my art or I will be blamed for stealing? Or if I get 5-6 works from some game/movie make some photo bashing can I get the credits that I make unique artwork?
For me if you can't reproduce the same result who achieve with digital on traditional media you don't make art. Your software make it. Yes we all uses references but one is to just learn from them but another is to copy and paste it in your art. That's why people from traditional media much easy can do digital art but for people who rely on filters photos and other "shortcuts" is hard to make good traditional painting. That's why people like James Gurney and Kazuo Oga for example is rare but people who make photo-bashing are everywhere and their artworks look the same. Yes the photo bashing look good but don't have the style - looks like photos what they really are after all. Can I call myself writer if I get someone else novels, combine what I like in them and maybe add 20% from myself in the end results? For me that is photo bashing or it's other name is collage.
I have a feeling that industry don't want art they want fast work and kept deadlines. And that's why I want at least the art challenges to be free from these techniques or just put them on their own category. I don't want to offense nobody, just want to say my opinion.