First exercises are looking great, welcome to our school :+1:

That's a very good start. Make sure your cylinders follow perspective
and end where the joint starts. You have it nailed on 3 and 5, while #7
legs and arm cylinders look somewhat small.

Hey everyone :smile:

last week i've work on Measuring Proportions and Proportions
(and the first give me some difficulties)

result is relatively good, for me i mean, but i frequantly need to use models to correct my lines, i do too much enlarged part of body, juste like the left leg of my first model :confused:

and basic proportions, look little better than the 1st, but i need more practice to remember better all proportions :grin:

thanks in advance for any feedback :yum:

Your measuring exercises are really good!! I'm at term 5 and still struggle with that hahah I finish up always with overlapping my drawing on the actual reference and it's always off :see_no_evil: ahaha

Also the proportion one are really good!! Just one thing that I noticed is with the male's lower leg: try to make them a bit thinner maybe (now they're as wide as the upper leg :sweat_smile:) but no problem easy fix. And remember that the inner part of the calf is always lower than the extern part, but don't worry you will tackle later :relaxed:

18 days later

Hey everyone :grin:

I didn't have post here since two weeks, but that does not mean, i've not worked on my side.

So i started gesture drawing and perspective,

I take so long for this, but I really like the perspective, except taking the vanishing lines all the time, this is the bad part, but necessary to get it right. :smile:

You are doing great on the 1-point perspective exercise! All the angles are aligned and I like your room variation! The only part that is confusing my eyes is this circled one below. I am finding it really hard to understand the positioning of the elements.

You should post this for Marc's critique. Those sessions help me most out of all class material :smile:

26 days later

Hello everyone,

I've finally finished my perspective assignment, just in time for french new school year, so now the serious things begin, let's work harder ! :grin:

my shadows are ugly, but it's looking good i think,
maybe with some Props should be cool

thanks in advance for any feedback or comment :smile:

This looks really neat! I definitely think that a few props would really add a lot to it. It would make it feel more like someone's living in there. But yeah, good job :+1:

12 days later

11 days later

Hey everyone,

Today i finished 2nd Term 2 Graphic Design assignment, i feel not comfortable with pen tool, but i think it can be pretty usefull if wanted result need to be realy neat

You did great. Pen tool is very useful for creating precise graphics like logos and icons. I use it for complex selections of mechanical objects as well (you can convert path to selection in the paths tab). Keep up the good work.

8 days later

Hello everyone :smile:

Lately i tryed to do assignments 1 and 3 of Term 2 Photoshop,
but nothing i may do pleased me, so i just move on Anatomy assigments, and returning later on.

Pretty cool, now i see my lineart need to be more worked,
i also have doubt on every faces with a "?", i don't know if i'm on the right way to make them in those axes and more on last faces up and down.

tomorrow i'm going to fix it and do some face parts.

thx for any feedbacks, they are welcome :grin:

Hey there!

Immediately I think there's a lot of work to be done in terms of shading on the examples you posted above. Shading is directional and strongly associated with planes of a surface - the way you shaded the cylinders and volumes above is very arbitrary and does not follow proper light/shadow behavior in real objects.

I recommend you do a lot of observation of simple geometric volumes to understand how light is affected by changing planes, THEN move on to trying to cast shadows and interactions between several forms.

It's alright to use references when making these, too!

Thanks !
i've not thinked about references, my bad :sweat:

9 days later

Hello there,

i've worked on face parts, and in particular on nozes

I realy like Dishonored desing, facial features are pretty exaggerated, cool thing for learning,
i think i finded a good process (3rd try) but if you have any advices, there are welcome :grinning:

thanks in advance