I was just trying to get the composiion right.
:pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

Hey Zantique! Really loving your Mei piece, there is such an incredible amount of progress in such short time! If you keep this up, you'll be even more amazing in no time!!

You still have stuff to work on, and since you love doing characters so much, I advice you to take a real good look at both male and female anatomy. I personally found it helpful to learn the names of a few of the main muscles and bones. Try to think of the body as a structure, this will help you when rendering, as structures have different planes. :smile: Again, since you work with characters, another hint would be to keep in mind how actual skin color works. I see that you're kind of getting it, but not quite. It is easy to fix this, you can observe yourself in the mirror or just look at pictures. Either way, skin is usually have saturated midtones! Don't light skin by using a darker and lighter variation of the same color, switch up a bit. Skin is rich in hues, this is very clear, especially in faces! noses, eyes, ears being warmer for example.

Besides these two, I suggest you to work on form! yes, very fundamental but very useful. One of the key ingredients of great artists, is the ability to create exquisite shapes. This means that you have to understand how they work, and how you can render them. Real life is not a flat place after all!

Anyway, I hope this helps somewhat. I did not intend to critique, just help. Keep up this progress Zan!! :smile:

Thanks, It did help. It gave me somethings to keep in mind, that will make my art better.

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