Hello, I'm Zonalar. 29y, swiss.
I've toyed with the idea becoming an artist since my teens, but i never thought it would be a viable career. Fast forward to now, the dream hasn't died just yet. And looking back, i never gave my little seedlign dream the water, sunlight and nutritious earth it needed to grow and blossom.
This is why i'm here, I want to see what I'm made of for real this time by starting and completing art school.
The end-result i'm not worried about, I just don't want to live my life with regret of 'what could've been' but was too cowardly to find out.

I've been drawing on-and-off over the years. Mostly learning through youtube tutorials and getting help in some art discords. I couldn't ever in my life finish reading an art book though (regretfully!). I play videogames, watch Movies n stuffs, and picked up gardening as a new hobby. Oh and I run rpg games like D&D 5e as a Dungeon Master :smile:

I will post a reference picture of my current skill level to look back to, at least one i'm proud of.

There are 57 replies with an estimated read time of 5 minutes.

Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing your progress!

I've went hard for Day 1, it's early morning already. But i was just so excited.

I'm halfway through the Term 1 video and started with some assignments that were covered in the video. Doing some line of action, but especially focusing on drawing skeletons over references with cylinder!

Hello Zonalar, your first Picture of your current Skill is impressive. I am working to reach that Skill-Level.

Thank you! I am not a beginner anymore, honestly. I've always drawn on and off, but i never took the time to read art books or reach a defined goal, so there were lots of breaks between the artworks.

Hello and welcome in art school formus Zonalar!
The cylinder skeletons look real good, can't wait to see more of your work keep it up.

Thank you playforwho89 :smile:
Here is my assignment work of today. took me 2 hours. I think i will move on to the next step now and draw these people with the references next to it, and from imagination.
First i was thinking of skipping it all, after 2-3 cylinder-skeletons. But I came here specifically to follow a clear educational path, to reach my goal. So I will do as much of the assignments as possible and only modify them where it makes sense for my journey :smile:

Hey! I feel exactly the same as you. I am not a professional artist but thought maybe I could be. I am in my early 30s and going to give this a try!

Looking forward to see your results! Do you have set aside a schedule for this?

Moving to the next piece of Term 1, training my accuracy to draw what i see by using my pencil as measurement.
Overlaying the image at the end to see where the inaccuracies are.