Always make sure to take care of yourself! Keep it up and feel better!

I am also recovering from the sickness. The exhaustion is gone, only the coughing is really annoying. But now my sleep schedule is wrecked again, which makes dedicating time for drawing and work really an extra chore. i hear my inner thoughts wanting to be lazy and play videogames. To take it easy.
I want to get back on schedule and do them daily, also to continue watching the Term 1 videos. I told myself i'm gonna set a fulltime workschedule for doing art, but Instead of spending 8 hours on art, i've been at best been doing 1-3 hours per day, with some days skipped inbetween.
I will remind myself, this is alot more than I committed to previously, and I have drawn alot and learned alot already, so i don't want to be down on myself.
But also I dont want to give myself a "free pass"... how do I consolidate this?

One thing i try to do is never have a day where I do no art. Even itf its just opening photoshop and drawing a circle, I at least do that to keep my engine running and my mental good. It probably sounds stupid but it does help me. It can be hard to give advice on this and everyone has a different level of tolerance for practice. Personally I just listen to my body each day, do as much as I can and when my body is telling me it needs to rest I slow down. So I do at least something every day, and as much as my body will allow me to comfortably. I don't know if that helps and I think it will be different for everyone but thats my mindset.

21 days later

I'm back. Very little drawing recently.
But i have a choice between self-flagelating and judging myself for not drawing everyday.
or give myself a break, not give up and keep trying.
here are the gesture drawings for today.

That's a very important mentality to have! We may not always be perfect, and fall off the road sometimes, but it's important to just keep moving forward instead of beating ourselves up for it, as that'll only make us want to give up. Good work!

Here's more gesture drawing practice.

Forgot to post recently.
Here's the stuff from the last few days.
The proportion exercise, but this one without looking at ref.
The 1-P living room. It's my living room, but sci-fi! This one was really fun.
Gesture Practice

But also this week i took the time to work on a couple of commissions. The emoji's for a Twitch Channel, and an RPG character, which i doubled up to be my Chroma Corp entry. Oh yeah; Chroma Corp is back! you can still enter the Art competition. Is anyone joining?

Sinix actually saw my Chroma Corps entry and gave some feedback. So i made some changes!
Desaturating the lower half, skirt and boots, focusing more on 3 colors, removing the green belt. Changing the background (though im really bad at that), but i think it works better.