Thank you so much, @andrescastaneda ! On the tail, I'll work more, I want to do as a Alien, something like that.
Thanks, @loganshepard, @zookeeper, @andrescastaneda, @mihden86, @liberta, @motheelephant +1:
I add a small update, changed back added chitin armor. What do you think guys?
Thanks, @devilhearts
I have a lot of things to do. I'm going to add some small details, to work on the face and after that to add a saddle with a female rider. I really hope to succeed with my project in the end. Thanks for the support, it is important to me!
1 month later
Hello! I was very busy so I didn't have enough time for my project. I'm goint to finish my dinosaur with a girl a bit later. In the meantime if you are interested you can watch my showreels and works here::
I'll download my dinosaur project right there after finishing it.
11 months later
Hi! Some update. A little later I'll start texturing.
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