Art Blog March 2023
Finished the DTIYS for Moon Colony of the above skull guy;

Get Learnt' Son
I learned that the process I tried to implement using texture while sketching (which won me another place on the forums top tiles, thank you again) and the process for adding color like I used too as a full time illustrator did not meld well for the above piece. So I ended up totally repainting it in the way I knew would get the job done. You learn something every finished piece. And not just of the process, but of yourself. I have been giving advice to a few people on discord about finishing pieces. The patience it takes to finish, the knowledge that you can always go back and fix, and following the instinct that something isn't quite right. I painted the above piece three times before I settled on the fourth. (see last blog post)
My next piece I am going to try and merge the techniques and have a style that I really enjoy painting all the way through rough drawing to final painting. Working in art years ago made me hate art and leave it for a while. Not only because staring at a screen all day left me brain dead, but because I wasn't ever making art for myself. Now that I only do it for myself it is quite liberating and also daunting. It makes you think, "what is it I like to paint?"
I think art school and art work do that to you. It is way easier to lean on a prompt from an art director or a request from someone else than it is to come up with something that you enjoy painting AND reach your own goal of being impactful.
At some point an artist needs to develop the skill to make their own decisions regarding subject matter. What keeps them motivated? What makes the juices...juice (idk,lol)
And that is where I am right now.
You have to keep that fun going. I'll always tout that. If you aren't having fun...stop and do something else. Most of the time, it's too late and you should just be in bed. Anyway, when people always say, "you have to love it." its because they have been in the mud not loving it and pushing through to the moments they do love.
I think the subject matter also plays a huge part in this. We become fans of so much that we want to learn the technique to draft images to make our own pictures of the subject matter.
So I'm taking it back to the roots myself. Doing some research on classic Link from legend of Zelda and a Frazetta style illustrations. Plenty of time to develop the style, and finished illustration for myself. In I dont know how long honestly. You can watch the development of that piece here.

Discord - Figure Forum Group
Posting most of this stuff on my instagram as well. But these were fun to do as they had clothing and drapery on them and weren't typical "figure poses" that people post in references. They were definitely more challenging for the time constraint I gave myself however.
Didn't include the master with the first two here, then I started slapping it on.






@mitsuki-youko Thank you so much! Yea they give me a chuckle still lol
@malcom Freaking dope! i know its like...harder to edit that than it is a drawing.
@creARTive_Paul Thanks Paul! good to see you still rocking it. I got it downloaded, now I just need to make myself install it and try it out for an afternoon.
Thanks to everyone including you lurkers for stopping by!
DM me if you want my discord and have any questions or want advice on anything! See you in May!