Hey there! I'm 28idle, nice to meet you all! I'm a huge nerd for fantasy-related things; art, games, books, you name it.
I've recently purchased the first term of the Art School project because I want to take my art journey more seriously and Marc's content has been really helpful so far! I'm super excited to get to studying and seeing how it goes.
I'm a university student currently and don't have much time on my hands, but I'll be updating this thread as often as possible!
Have a lovely day!!

Yo! Welcome to the forums! hope you have a good time and a lovely day as well!

Nice, welcome aboard!

I commend you for applying despite university, I personally dropped art for 17yrs thanks to med school, not complaining but do sort of wish I wouldn’t have, so I wish you good luck and if possible - don’t drop it, there’s always time!
