I usually just reply to my own latest post. Seems to work out well.
Don't sweat it, we all have different schedules and life situations, any pace you have is a good pace.
For the cylinders, based on the strokes it seems like you draw both ends, then the lines, and then the half lines in between. For the most part it's a good idea to draw each circle complete, with the lines bing the guideline that brings them together, then erase extra lines to clean it up. Something like this:
It's all digital, so feel free to use as many layers, rotation, flips and undos as necessary. Many of us actually have undo tied to an easy shortcut we can use so we can "redraw" those lines as many times as needed until it looks "just right". One single stroke might take a few quick tries, and you get faster doing them with time.
It also helps to get used to using the shoulder and elbow more for long strokes, lines or circles. Gets a bit to get used to, and you might not use it all the time, but all the same it helps to practice it.
Bests of luck!