Hello Everyone! My name is Alana Wittman, I'm working as a software developer and I'm 42. A couple years ago, I went to an art school to study graphic design for 2 years but I didn't finish the formation; I didn't feel comfortable with the teaching methodology used there, besides, I was more interested in illustration. After that, I focused in working for a while but retook my drawing habits a couple of months ago.
I found myself a bit confused for the lack of structure in my self taught path so that's why I'm in ART School. I started a week ago, so this is my first step in ART School journey. I'll do my best to keep the blog up to date. Glad to share with you all :).
Week 1 Photoshop for Digital Prod 1
Lately, I've been drawing in paper instead of using digital environment, so I guess It will be take me some time to get used to digital pen again. Anyway, I still find hard to draw good circles. These below are the first assignments:
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