Nice robot character. It looks pretty good on the game box. Nice work on the self-portrait.

1 month later

Hello again everyone!. Long second week for me that seemed a month :confused: but still keep on going for sure.

Week 2 Anatomy 1 and Photoshop

Last weeks I focused so much on practicing volumes and tried to get familiar with face structure that Marc explained on the video class.


  • For me is hard accomplish the assignments and It's becoming easier to get stuck because of that, maybe I should pay more attention to my weekly practice.
  • Practicing volumes and overlapping helps a lot to improve your skills.
  • It's fun to draw faces but I'm getting used to making sketches without finalizing linearts; I guess I should solve this.
  • In transition exercises I found the three tools useful (smudge, soft and hard brush) so I guess I should practice with the three of them in my drawings. For me It's easier to use the soft brush but I guess that it depends of the case.
  • I keep doing character studies. I'll try to keep on doing this

Gesture drawing (2min) exercise this week.

Photoshop Exercices - B

Photoshop Exercices - B

Volumes in perspective

Some faces with lineart

Artist: Artgerm - Character Study

Hope you are all OK!!. Enjoy this summer ! Thank you!!!

Wow, you are doing great! That's a very beautiful self-portrait you made there!
and I really like your lineart overall, seems you make very precise strokes and good, purposeful use of line weight, it makes your character studies and volume practice pleasing to look at.

I did notice you bend your distal interfalangeal joints when holding your stylus (based on what I see on your self-portrat XD - it just makes me wonder if you're not clenching it too hard, I mean, your line work is really nice so it must work well for you, but just be careful not to injure yourself from repetitive hand stress motions


I have the same trouble. There are many sketches to work on.
Nice work on the exercises and face practices.
Nice work on the line art study. It's almost hard to tell which character study is which.

3 months later

Hello again everyone!. Long summer...long weeks with no posting : /, but still working on

Week 3 Anatomy 1 and Portrait

It is true that last weeks I continued practicing but I get stucked on the same week 3 topic: heads, so I didn't move on the course.


  • Despite I get stucked I kept practicing volumes and overlapping to improve my skills.
  • At least I don't think my work is getting any worse.
  • I found harder to create faces from my imagination rather than copy (well, I guess It is normal)
  • Still strugling with proportions and hard for me to apply it on drawing faces.
  • Still making sketches without finalizing linearts.
  • It is true that summer and work itself made me to slow me down in the process, but I was regular on practicing.

Honestly, I feel sometimes that suggestions on the weekly study may be bored. I'll try to these excercises with some other related to it.

Pen Control Exercises

Face parts

Faces from imagination

Portrait**strong text**

Hope you enjoied the summer ! Thank you!!!

Hi @snakker, Thank you :smile: I keep on going. And regarding my hand, that's a good point, hehe, I didn't notice my particular way to hold my pencil; i've always done it like that, but It is a good idea to take care of that and take some rest from time to time I guess. Thanks!!

Great stuff! I can see the improvement since your first post.