JourneyToExcellence 172/1095

(re) Hand-taken of krita - day 3/3

The basics:
- Filters
- Transformations
- Animation
- Assistants, grids and guides
- Working space customization

17 days later

JourneyToExcellence 173/1095

Gathering image references for my next stylized portraits studies

JourneyToExcellence 174/1095

Stylised portrait studies

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Quick test of the "Contour Lines" technique.. I'm not really sure if I god the exercise right though

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Stylized Portrait study: “master” study - part 1

JourneyToExcellence 181/1095

120 Faces In 10 Days Challenge 12/120

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120 Faces In 10 Days Challenge 24/120

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120 Faces In 10 Days Challenge 36/120

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120 Faces In 10 Days Challenge 48/120

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120 Faces In 10 Days Challenge 60/120

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