Hi all,

Its been a while! Had some big jobs to get done before cracking on with the studies.

Here is my first attempt after the anatomy classes. Any critique would be greatly appreciated, despite this guy being ripped, I found identifying some of the muscles a bit difficult.

Hey @alex_fucile I did an paintover of your anatomy study. Hope it helps

I didn't recreate all the muscles and hopefully you'll see there are some I didn't know. I agree with what you did with breaking it down to what you know. Some of the extra weird muscles don't matter much unless your making a character that needs to be this extra ripped. You had a good base, but some things just needed to be moved around a bit. Moving the shoulders down forces you to move other things down. Good reference. I learned from it as well.

Thanks a lot for doing that - your paint over has broken the figure down a great deal. Especially the forearms and legs (what is the deal with this guys quads!) Also I think I should have looked at the tension in the muscles - like the pecs are being pulled from side to side due to pose which is why they're a bit thinner. Something i didn't take into account when i started and maybe would have made me approach the shoulders differently.

Thanks a lot for this!


In his pose, he's pointing his chest out while pushing his shoulders back to give him this superhero look. It is a tricky pose in a way. Glad it could help

another male figure anatomy study. Feel a bit better about this one but again any criticism would be greatly appreciated.



I started working on a PO then I saw that Marc was giving you feedback as well. I figure I share this anyway as you have the reference to go along with it.

Thanks Malcom - again very helpful. Completely forgot about keeping and eye on the thickness of the calves. I'll keep on practicing.

Thanks again


This is one I did without reference, I think it definitely shows. I also tried to make this figure more female as it occurred to me i've only been studying men with very developed physiques. So again, any crit is very welcome and appreciated.

Thanks again,


another anatomy practice - this one from reference. I am a bit happier with this one. Even with the weird perspective of the ref photo i think this turned out ok. Might start moving on to experimenting with altering or deforming anatomy.