Hello! My name is Ann, and I am a 21 year old aspiering artist and a graphic desighner student from Russia. I begin my art journey in order to find, and then to explore the themes, that i am mostly keen on. For now, I am interested in learning the fundamentals of concept art, as my biggest dream is to be able to express and communicate my ideas distinctively and vividly.

Welcome to the fourms Ann I look forwards to your progress

Welcome to the forums Ann, hope you have a good time around here!

Here is my first assignment done! I will try to work on my speed, as i tend to work slowly and pationately and cant do nothing with it for now xD

Hi Ann! Looking forward to your joruney as a fellow new-joiner :relaxed:

Third assignment, and how grateful i am for Marc's most intelligible introduction to photoshop

Oy that looks beautiful! And it all merges in very well! I'd love to visit this house.

thank you! This exercise truly challenged my intuition of value and tone in composition, and im really looking forward to learn how to work with it

Trying to make sence out of her hair (and out of hair in general) Does anyone have a good sourse on this?

Oh, and btw, this app is great and a must have

Marc actually did a really good video on hair a while ago.

As for drawing heads, depending on what you are using, there are also a few resources that can help with heads and angles. CSP has a ver handy 3D heads you can rotate and move around.

Of course when you are learning, it's bette to practice the way you are doing it, from reference, but constructing it yourself.