This is a cool work! I love the Blur effect on the foreground and the colour of the light!
I would maybe question brightness of the UI design as it is a bit tricky to understand what's up, especially the skeleton at the bottom as it is hard to tell if it is a part of UI or is it just a random ghost?
And these target locks for the other characters. Are they enemies or not? In a lot of fps games they not only use the main colour of the UI but also secondary colour to help indicate the enemy or a 'friend'. And one more thing... i dont know if it is any of importance but the map that you have at the top right corner doesn't rly represent what happens on the shot.
But as for the render itself I personally don't see That many flaws.
The small one i've noticed is that the asphalt on the right is more shiny like it's wet\polished stone and on the left it is more matte.
And then one more thing that I've found pretty much right away is the left side of the building has a bit different render. It looks like posters of the interior. If the poster was your goal then the question is off but if you were trying to show more of what's inside then the perspective on these pictures itself is not following the perspective of overall scene or im just having a hard time understanding what it is at all.
So I hope this gives you some insight of how other people might see it 
And again this is a really nice piece