Hello everybody!
I'm new here, I love to compete in this kind of contest where you confront step by step with other artists! I just hope to have enough time to finish it...

Anyway I started sketching some kind of hybrid design of a scifi knight but nothing that came out was satisfying, except for the space death but that was kind of off topic...
So I decided to sketching some idea for the story I want to narrate and I have this idea of a futuristic dragon slayer. From this I came back to the character concepts and now I'm pretty happy with the second one!

Hi and welcome! I'm also new to this site, and to CG in general, but find I'm rather enjoying learning it. There are some nice techniques available on CG that regular mediums do not share, mainly that of layers.
We still have a month to go, so I'm hoping to get something resembling a good copy ready to present as well!
I rather like your dwarf-like creature, it's different from most of the other things I've seen here so far, though I can't claim to have looked at them all, there are a LOT!

Hi Zoppy! It's nice to see new members joining the forum like me, got to say how enjoyable it is watching and sharing in other peoples progress with their projects, I hope you'll be able to get something valuable out of your time here.

All of your designs are hitting the idea of dragonslayer, but I'm keen about the fire/magic-imbued weapons a large amount of them are brandishing, I wonder how it would change as the champion swung it around. I also like the mix of fantasy and sci-fi styles of outfits, I'm particularly fond of the knight on mid-left, with his engine fume pauldrons and energy claymore.

Lot's of exciting potential in your first few pieces, nice job :smile:

Thank you tiia, I decided to discard the dwarf beacuse it's not peculiar enough for me and don't have enough scifi elements too.
I wish you good luck with yours and hoping we will find the time time! :smile:

Yeah, I think seeing the progress is the most fun part!
I liked that knight too esthetically but those engine pauldrons make no sense if you think about it... I mean pauldrons are suppose to defend and deflect... X\