Name: Alina Ivina

Theme: Fantasy

Hellow everyone!
I learned about this challenge so late, but the theme is so good, that I decided to join.
It will be my first full concept of character , but I hope I will finish it in time.
Well, also I hope I don't break the rules and I can start so late.

All my life I love fantasy, that's why my character is a demon with a strange weapon.
And I shall be grateful to criticism)
I thought out character in advance and began with a portrait.

Well... In my imagination there is a whole image of Gerfegest, but for first I think over the details by his anatomy. It's help me to make him a more interesting shape.

My favorites are No. 2 and No. 11. Very unique hairstyles, I like them.

Thank you! But about โ„–11 - I'm afraid I can't draw it well in a dynamic illustration :smiley:

While I draw and redraw the concept of Gerf, I try to imagine and sketch the illusration, because I have so little time. I think, it will be battle of different warriors.
Since Gerfegest is not ready, I drew him about how he will look.

When I drew a demon and a mage I decided to change them to the woman warrior.
And this is just his enemies )
I hope I will finish my demon tomorrow.

I understand, thank you noticed! So pity that I have so little time, I hasten to finish on time and in a hurry probably did blur. I try to draw the other characters better))