Even at this stage .... Colors are spot on!
Just think when you bring in the necessary textures and effects ... YOU"RE ON FIRE!

  • One thing struck me ... the lamp ... i think you'll have to change it's rotation .. bring the bottom into perspective.. since it's resting on her thigh.

This will help you :

Rotate the lamp and see what fits well.

This is really great, i love it ! :smiley:

Nice story and a breathtaking design! So much details and such a unique headgear :open_mouth: Are you adding more lamps? You're writing in your description that she can control 4 jinns or do they all fit in one lamp? That must be very tight.. I'm really looking forward to see your further improvement :smile:

Thank you! yeap, there must be 4 lamps)

I love where this is going. Keep up the good work! My Champion would love to beat yours to a pulp :stuck_out_tongue: jkjk

Ahaha)) Okey! I'll be ready for EPIC battle! :wink:

Great design, I'm so inspired by your artwork right now! You did great steps forward. There is only one thing I can't read, the 'wings' on her back. What is it exactly? >_< (sorry)

It's decorative wings. I tried to mix Arabic costumes + theater costumes + different bugs.
I don't think about practicality. My goal was to create a crazy and vivid character.
It sounds like an excuse))

Wow, this is a really great piece of work. I love the detail you've created in the leggings and the headdress as well as the "embroidery" on the shoulders. These little details really add a lot of polish to the overall design and as has been said before your color palette really evokes that Arabian minstrel look.

Юля, я просто поражён!!! Офигезно, вообще :frowning:

13 days later

Beautiful work ! Good luck for the illustration, it's gonna look amazing :smile:

9 days later

Beautiful work, congrats on finishing it ! :smiley: